Event Calendar

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Holmes Workshop

Start Date: 10/29/2024 8:00 AM CDT
End Date: 10/29/2024 4:30 PM CDT

Venue Name: Holmes Plumbing and Heating

2003 C Ave
Kearney, NE  United States  68508

Organization Name: Nebraska On-Site Waste Water Association

Jason W Orton
Email: jason@h2oboy.net
Phone: 4024760162

NOWWA Training class
Holmes Supply
2003 C Ave, Kearney, NE 68847
6 hrs PDH
October 29, 2024

9:00-10:00   A.M.     Electrical Safety- Dean Kunkee, Dawson Public Power – Dean and his crew from Dawson will cover                                     electrical safety.
                                                                [1 hour of On-Site PDH]
10:00-10:15 A.M       Break
10:15-11:15 A.M.     Mounds Design and Implementation - Dana Peterson, Frontwater Engineering-  Discussion on the                                         design and implementation of a mound system. When is one necessary and how do you design and                                     install the system
                                                                [1 hour of On-Site PDH]
11:15-12:15 P.M.      Perc Testing- Nate Hartman- Nate will discuss Perc Testing
                                                                [1 hour of On-Site PDH]
12:15-1:15   P.M.       Lunch
1:15-2:15     P.M.       NDEE- Trisha Scott and Suzanne Polzkill- Tricia and Suzanne will talk about issues they see come                                         through with registrations and also talk about how the department and the industry can work                                               together as a team to make sure the septic systems installed are good for the property owners and                                       the environment
                                                                [1 hour of On-Site PDH]
2:15-2:30    P.M.         Break
2:30-3:30    P.M.         Pump Terminology and Application Identifying Correct Pumps for Application Sewage Pump &                                              Grinder Demo - Chris Smith Company: Mack McClain/Zoeller Rep
                                                                 [1 hour of On-Site PDH]
3:30-4:30p.m.            History of NOWWA – Lee Orton, Executive Director.  – Lee has been around since the foundation of                                     NOWWA and the licensing requirements with the state.  He will talk about the formation of the                                               Association and the legislation behind requiring licenses and continuing education for the industry.
                                                                [1 hour of On-Site PDH]

Sorry, the event has reached its maximum number of attendees.

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To check PDH hours you have, click on the NDEQ logo. 

Fill out the necessary information and this will take you to your page. Please check that page frequently and do not wait until November in the 2nd year of the cycle.  We do offer classes in December, but given the weather that time of year we cannot guarantee 100% that the class will happen and we do not reschedule.  We do not want you to have to retest if you don't have to. 

NOWWA offers 12 hours of classes each year at the Nebraska Water Industries Annual Convention in February, plus we have classes that are offiererd in various parts of the state throughout the year.  Please subscribe to our email news letter or check back on this site regularly.  Also log in to make sure your contact information is current.